Behavior Modification
We all know that a well trained dog is a pleasure to have. Sometimes getting to that point can be a journey. We are confident that we can help with that and make your journey with your canine companion something to enjoy.
Our 1 on 1 in home dog training and behavior modification sessions are geared towards developing a sound relationship that is built on trust and understanding. We focus on teaching you how to teach your dog in a positive fashion. We also will eventually develop a protocol on how to clearly communicate to your dog when they are doing something wrong. In essence we want your dog to understand the difference between right and wrong.
Our belief is that once a dog understands the difference they will generally choose the right answer, we have found that dogs that choose to go down the wrong path are simply dogs that do not understand the difference between right and wrong and have been poorly trained.
Each lesson starts in the home. You and your dog will work on foundational obedience. We will gradually introduce complexities and distractions. We want to ensure the foundation is sound before we venture out into the outside.

We will teach you how to train your dog to these commands and what we’re expecting is reliability. We have found that vague or poor communication only leads to confusion.
Each lesson builds upon the last lesson. Additionally lessons are spaced out between 1 and 2 weeks apart, this is to give the dog and owner time to get enough repetitions in to master the specific agenda. We try to gear individual lessons to each dogs temperament and trainability. It is extremely important to us to ensure that the dog and owner are happy and satisfied with the direction we go.
1 on 1 Instruction
A majority of our clients do 6 to 10 private sessions. Prior to starting a program we will do a 1 on 1 in person evaluation and lesson. This is to determine the best methodology for instruction and to come up with a training plan.
Our minimum training package is 4 private lessons. The cost is $499, Depending on travel time. A majority of our clientele go through 4 to 8 lessons. For dogs that are extremely reactive, dog or human aggressive along with under exposed may require additional lessons
For aggressive or overly reactive dogs. There is a additional $25 fee per lesson.
Take a peek at Mr. Finnegan, a recent client of our program on his journey.
Real K9 Solutions